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A month on wheels

Hello my dearest followers of this journey!

I’m sorry I haven’t written anything since I actually left. I’ve felt a bit confronted with what to write about, I guess now that I’m actually doing it, it honestly feels so normal that I almost can’t see why anyone would want to follow along. But thinking about it, of course it feels so normal, because I feel like I'm living exactly as we were designed to live. Free.

I was talking to Rob the other night about how normal it feels, it really does just feel like we’ve taken a massive down-size in our house, and we can now choose what magical view we want to over look whilst cooking dinner. I’ve realised that of course I’m not going to feel any different, I’m still me, just because my external world has taken a massive change it doesn’t mean all of a sudden I’m a whole new person.

I guess what I’m seeing is that home truly is within me which is something I feel really grateful to be learning.

So far we’ve stayed in 3 caravan parks and the rest has been free or really cheap campsites. I've found It’s definitely worth spending a little bit more money sometimes to actually have a SHOWER!! Oh my god being in the van and getting super sweaty, then being mainly parking in dirt/sand and the heat, not having a shower just feels icky after a while. Don’t get me wrong I’m having a bath almost everyday in the ocean, but I swear it’s saltier in South Aus and after I’ve dried there’s a visible layer of salt on my skin, so yep definitely worth spending a little bit more money the occasional caravan parks. We’ve paid for one shower which had a very big sign saying $1 coins only and if you know me well you wouldn’t be surprised that I put in a $2 coin as well thinking I’d get a 6 minute shower! Well no, just as I’d lathered my hair with shampoo and my body with soap did the water stop running, you should have seen me punching this bloody box thinking it stole my money, then reading the very big sign and realising It was my fault! So yes I can now say I’ve showered in a sink.

At the moment I’d say there are 2 places that stand out as my favourite the first one being Fitzgerald Bay and the other Coles Point lookout (Greenly Beach).

Holy shit it honestly felt like I was taking a warm bath in Fitzgerald Bay. Of course the campsite was along the ocean, although it was a strange experience, I think on most days I walked out for what felt like 15-20 minutes in shin high warm water, eventually it got deep enough to swim and not look like a total fool haha! We parked about a 10minute walk from the toilet which I used every morning as some time for mindful walking, really being in the present moment and noticing my 5 senses. It was about a 30 minute drive from a town where we stocked up on food. Unless we’ve been near a big enough city (there really isn’t many) I’ve pretty much had no reception, so this was no exception, meaning I basically lounged around reading for hours and hours on end, also a good time to get some study in!

And Coles Point, wow, if you follow my Instagram (journey.with.jen) I’m sure you would have seen some photos and videos of this magical place, atop a cliff that over looks one of the most peaceful and clearest oceans I’ve seen! The water was fucking freezing, but I’ve been getting used to that after swimming all winter last year so I could still wash off! The only downfall was no toilets, but it was the best view for a morning poop so honestly not mad about it. I can’t describe the feeling I got when we arrived here, it felt like home, just pure happiness that we found somewhere so magical. Another bonus was that the beach was completely empty and as I’m sure you would know by now I’m a nude in nature lover, so I got to swim with nothing but the ocean touching my skin. You should try it sometime, you’ll thank me later.

‘Slow is the go’.

With an abundance of time to reflect, I’ve noticed that I was a person that was constantly go go go, so It’s been a confronting few weeks actually practicing what I preach. I would have never labelled myself as a ‘stressed’ person but maybe that’s just because the word itself feels too big of an emotion. Having a best friend as a nutritionist/health guru (that’s how I view you!!) has helped me realise and understand just how much I wouldn’t/couldn't allow my mind to switch off, ever, and what that can actually do to someone’s health. I believe I’ve written about how up until 2020 I hadn’t really ever met myself, I was actually too scared to be by myself because I didn’t like the person I was, I’d do whatever I could to make sure I always had something to do or people surrounding me, now I can look at this pattern and realise how sad this non existent relationship with myself was. So basically I’m finding my mind (only sometimes) wanders around to try to cause some chaos by picking up past situations and re-think about them, like my body doesn’t know how to deal with this non stressful life that it’s having to go and make up bullshit!! It’s been a really interesting experience, and I’m feeling super grateful to have learnt some tools to be able to call back my mind when it’s roaming around. This is something I haven’t ever heard of happening (I’m sure it does to a lot of people) but something that I thought I’d shed a bit of light on. Breaking old patterns is hard, even when you have nothing to trigger an emotion sometimes I think It’s so embedded in there that it’ll find it’s way out.

As I’ve mentioned already, the lack of reception. It has felt a bit challenging at times as connections are one of my core values, I never really understood how much connecting with beautiful souls completly filly my cup up, so it’s definitely been hard not being able to connect with my tribe back home. But it’s something that when I do have reception, I try to connect with as many as I can, although you all working definitely doesn’t help haha! I guess it just has me feeling really grateful for all the beautiful connections I do have, knowing that they will stay strong no matter how much we actually connect. But wow I never thought I’d feel so blessed to be able to hear loved ones through my phone.

All in all, the first month has have felt really easy/natural, like I’m meant to be on this journey and I’m being supported every step of the way. I mean I’m basically retired at 24, so how could life not feel like a breeze. My main worries being are we going to run out of water or is my hair going to turn into one big knot!

Living feels incredible.

If you have any questions about our journey so far let me know :)

And here's some photos -

The first 3 are @ West Beach

The second 3 are @ Greenly Beach

The last 3 are a mixture @ Sheringa Beach, Coorong National Park & Bumbunga Lake.

2 ความคิดเห็น

20 มี.ค. 2564

Hey Jen, keep posting I love reading your updates and talking to you on the phone. Love the photos.

Jennifer Tayler
Jennifer Tayler
20 มี.ค. 2564

You're the best xxx


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