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Blood Magic

This piece of writing is very important to me, explaining my experience with my period and how I've changed my life with a new perception, creating a healthy monthly bleed both physically and emotionally.

I felt inspired to write about this whilst bleeding as its still such a surprise that I feel no pain anymore - I wanted to share this magic with you.

After having been on the pill for 8 years for both my pain and my acne, I want to share with you how I achieved results without it!

The first thing I’d like to address is how periods have such a negative connotation, how talking about it is so taboo, negative, gross, and dirty. This bodily fluid is something that happens to most woman monthly but is still perceived this way, why? The way it's passed down from generation to generation has such a traumatising effect, it's always such a hush hush topic, so much shame surrounds our periods, we don’t say the word too loudly or we go to the length to make up a code word because the word 'period' is gross, the fear of asking for a tampon or pad at school, being told your just pmsing, it's an inconvenience, it's painful, ‘it’s girl business’ (most men grew up with a mother, might have a daughter or a female partner and it’s still considered ‘girl business’) let's start educating EVERYONE on this particular topic and removing this shame that is absolutely ridiculous.

This is why periods are perceived in such a negative, disgusting, taboo way, this mindset has been passed down. And we wonder why there is so much trauma (physical and emotional) when we bleed..

Did you know it's NOT normal to have cramps, that PMS is a sign of imbalance in the body, this pain we feel both physically and emotionally is not the way we should be feeling? So let's do something about it - to hopefully help our future generations!

As you can tell I'm very passionate about this topic, I think the main reason being that after doing a lot of internal work - I've come from having debilitatingly painful periods, acne for 5 years, and a really negative relationship with my body - to absolutely LOVING my period. My skin is completely clear, and my relationship with my body is full of love - so basically I'm the living, breathing proof of what I'm about to say. This has absolutely changed my life, and if I can share what I've learnt in the hope to help and inspire you to take change then here it is...

I believe that you create the life you live – if you’re telling yourself that your period is going to be painful or annoying, anticipating the worst, then what do you expect to happen? Obviously, it’s going to be bad. So first thing I changed was my perception from inconvenienced and fearful of the pain to WORSHIPPING my monthly bleed, I've created a new ritual around my bleed to help me get excited, to essentially trick my mind into a new dialogue that actually serves me and my body.

Heres an insight into the week of my bleed:

I like to offer my sacred blood back to mother nature (trees/plants/the ocean) as this blood is full of life creating cells and honestly she deserves all the life we can give back to her!

I wear my blood as a facial mask which has completely helped to heal my skin and honestly has my skin looking amazing after, and I get to form a very intimate relationship with my body and feeling gratitude that I bleed monthly, (something I’m really grateful for as I know many woman who don’t, sorry if this is you) acknowledging that my body is healthy and happy, and feeling love and compassion for myself and my body instead of always punishing it.

I love the idea that I’m offering something back to nature or sometimes my own plants (they thrive when I do). As a bit of a ‘save the world’ kind of woman the feeling that I can give my life force back to mother nature with thanks for all she provides me makes me feel good. I remember the first time just after I’d purchased a menstrual cup that I gave my blood to this one plant, just to try, and I couldn’t believe that after a week it had a whole new shoot coming!!

Our blood is full of stem cells which within the skin help to replenish and repair/heal. Remember this blood had the ability to create life, honestly this shit is SOOO powerful. I’ve noticed once I remove the blood from my skin it feels so much tighter (like I’ve just had a face lift), it’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom, glowing and the redness from my lingering acne scars has dulled. You can feel it working it’s magick whilst it dries on your face, when you smile it cracks because it dries so tight on your skin.

I use a menstural cup to collect my blood and put it in a bowl just using my fingers to apply it to my face - by touching the blood it's helped me further understand my body, I'm able to see the difference between each month, and I now use it as a monthly report card helping me deeper understand what my body is telling me - your body never lies.

I think it's a really beautiful bond to create and feel your blood, to start getting rid of any negative emotions you may feel towards this and start appreciating the life force that comes out of you!

Creating a healthy relationship with my body has been a fucking journey let me tell you. Getting excited because my body is healthy, seeing my physical body changing depending where I am in my cycle and now understanding this is NORMAL.

Learning about the phases in my cycle which I like to look as my internal weather; summer, autumn, winter and spring. Learning this really helped me create the space to feel compassion and understanding for myself as I can now very much see this internal shift I go through each week.

I now look at my period as a time for me to cleanse, a natural shedding, a time for me to energetically release what no longer serves me. Sometimes I’ll also write a few things down that no longer serve me and burn it just for the dramatic effect it has!

So overall I've created a very physical bond with my period which I totally understand isn't for everyone, but I’d highly encourage you to change your internal dialogue around your period (if it’s negative). Start worshipping your body, worship the sacred energy that flows from within, celebrate the fact that your body is healthy, embrace the soft curves that start to show a week before you bleed, love it all and it will love you back ♡

Maybe you can start to look at your period and question what it's telling you, is your body imbalanced, are you eating the right food, are you moving your body enough or keeping hydrated? Is there trauma stored in your womb that you haven't addressed and is now showing up as cramps. Ask your body what it's telling you, learn about yourself, empower yourself!

Listen to your intuition, you know you best.


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Thank you for choosing yourself ♡

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